Hogwarts Legacy

Hogwarts Legacy 1

Hogwarts Legacy Nintendo Switch INFO : 

Step into the enchanted realm of Hogwarts Legacy, a spellbinding open-world RPG that transports you to the captivating era of the 1800s in the wizarding world first introduced in the Harry Potter series. Immerse yourself in the heart of your own mystical odyssey, where every choice shapes your destiny.


Traverse the vast expanse of the wizarding world, from the hallowed halls of Hogwarts to the quaint village of Hogsmeade, the mysterious Forbidden Forest, and the expansive Overland area—all ripe for exploration.

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Super Mario Bros Wonder

Super Mario Bros.™ Wonder 1


Super Mario Bros.™ Wonder Nintendo Switch INFO : 

Classic Mario side-scrolling gameplay is turned on its head with the addition of Wonder Flowers. These game-changing items trigger spectacular moments you have to see to believe…Witness pipes coming alive, wreak havoc as a giant spiky ball, and see even more unexpected events called Wonder Effects.

Pick from heroic Super Mario characters and Power-Ups

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Minecraft Dungeons Nintendo Switch INFO : 

摘要。 在一个全新的动作冒险游戏中战斗,其灵感来自于经典的地牢爬行游戏,并以《Minecraft》宇宙为背景!你可以单独或与朋友组队勇敢地闯入地牢。独自勇闯地牢,或与朋友组队!最多四名玩家可以一起战斗,通过充满行动力的、充满宝藏的、疯狂变化的关卡--所有这些都是为了拯救村民和打倒邪恶的Arch-Illager的史诗般的探索。发现一个强大的新武器和物品的宝库,这将帮助你击败无情的一群新的和讨厌的暴徒。在峡谷、沼泽和--当然还有--矿井中战斗或逃亡!任何勇敢或愚蠢的冒险者都可以在这里找到自己的位置。任何勇敢或愚蠢的冒险家在探索这个块状的美丽世界时都需要做好准备。因此,请尽快准备好!

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塞尔达传说:荒野之息》(The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild)。

塞尔达传说:荒野之息》任天堂开关INFO : 


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