The Legend of Zelda : Tears of the Kingdom


The Legend of Zelda ears of the Kingdom Free eshop codes


The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Nintendo Switch INFO : 

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom has immediately become one of the Switch’s standout titles. Creating something with a greater draw than the Breath of the Wild was always going to be a challenge, but Nintendo has taken lessons learned from and systems established in it to create a glorious follow-up that fully deserves the plaudits that have already come its way. Even for those who haven’t played many Zelda titles, Tears of the Kingdom is absolutely worth diving into and rewards every moment spent with it.

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Pokémon Scarlet


Pokémon Scarlet Nintendo Switch INFO : 

With their open world concept of Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Game Freak does a great job! Nearly from the start on, the players are free to explore the diverse region of Paldea and in the way, in which order they want to deal with the main story mission branches. There is some room for having an imbalanced gaming experience in that. But thanks to a clever world design with some natural boundaries the game is as good (or worse) as its predecessors on that point. The biggest weak spot consists of the technical flaws mainly based on the limited hardware power of Switch. Still these imperfections can’t ruin an overall great experience Pokémon fans will love.

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Poskusi v igri Mana

Trials of Mana eshop code

Trials of Mana Nintendo Switch INFO : 

Trials of Mana je najboljši del franšize po Legend of Mana iz leta 1999. Preoblikovanje ni le prilagoditev igre Seiken Densetsu 3 za sodobno občinstvo, temveč tudi dosledno nadgrajuje mehaniko in osnovno zasnovo igre RPG za Super Famicom. Ploščata, a zanimiva zasnova ravni je zdaj vertikalna, z veliko skrivnostmi, ki jih je treba odkriti; boj vzpostavlja dobro ravnovesje med igranjem, ki temelji na spretnostih, s še močnejšim prilagajanjem stranke kot v izvirniku; in čeprav je zaplet preprost, nikoli ne ogrozi svoje celovitosti zaradi sodobnih pripovednih konvencij, zaradi česar je zgodba tako klasična po tonu kot teatralna po obsegu. Predelanko zavirajo le težave, ki so značilne izključno za prenos na Switch - nižja frekvenca sličic in ločljivost v primerjavi z različico za PS4 - vendar tudi to ni dovolj, da bi okrnilo izkušnjo. S pozornostjo do podrobnosti, ki izvorno gradivo tako spoštuje kot povzdiguje, je to nov zlati standard za predelave videoiger.

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