Pokémon Scarlet


Pokémon Scarlet Nintendo Switch INFO : 

With their open world concept of Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Game Freak does a great job! Nearly from the start on, the players are free to explore the diverse region of Paldea and in the way, in which order they want to deal with the main story mission branches. There is some room for having an imbalanced gaming experience in that. But thanks to a clever world design with some natural boundaries the game is as good (or worse) as its predecessors on that point. The biggest weak spot consists of the technical flaws mainly based on the limited hardware power of Switch. Still these imperfections can’t ruin an overall great experience Pokémon fans will love.

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Dungeons Minecraft

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Dungeons Minecraft Nintendo Switch INFO : 

Crynodeb: Ymladd eich ffordd trwy gêm antur actio cwbl newydd, wedi'i hysbrydoli gan ymlusgwyr dungeon clasurol ac wedi'u gosod yn y bydysawd Minecraft! Dewrwch y dungeons ar eich pen eich hun, neu ymuno â ffrindiau! Gall hyd at bedwar chwaraewr frwydro gyda'i gilydd trwy lefelau llawn cyffro, llawn trysorau, amrywiol iawn - i gyd mewn ymgais epig i achub y pentrefwyr a chwalu'r Arch-Illager drwg. Darganfyddwch gasgliad o arfau ac eitemau newydd pwerus a fydd yn eich helpu i drechu heidiau didostur o dorfau newydd a chas. Ymladd neu ffoi trwy geunentydd, corsydd ac - wrth gwrs - mwyngloddiau! Bydd angen i unrhyw anturiaethwr sy'n ddigon dewr neu ffôl i archwilio'r byd rhwystredig a hardd hwn fod yn barod. Mor gyflym, gêr i fyny!

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